Sunday, 14 March 2010

Here's to change!

It started with my birthday last year. I made a promised to myself that I'll do things differently now. I've been on the sidelines for too long, waiting for...I don't know what. I've taken baby steps, almost laughable when I shared them with some good friends but for me they were giant strides. I'm embracing the girl I used to be in my twenties - slightly crazy risk taker, passionate lover of life - who has been in hibernation. And the consequences of which are still reverberating since September 2009. 

I've had the best year I've ever had on the work front. After nearly a year as contract staff at one fantastic international design agency, I am now moving on to a new job in the same industry at the end of month that seems to have been tailored just for me. 

There have been other moments, like me becoming a god-mother for the third time (to date, it's Daniel, Anthony and now, Tristan) but the biggest one that will make 2009 forever memorable? I met someone. Six months of long-distance phone calls (thanks Skype and Hoiio!), emails and IMs have kept us close but he'll be here soon. M knows about this blog although I haven't said that I want to blog about this bit of news yet. So far, it's been simply amazing and I can't wait till he gets here.
Update: He said it was okay. I'll respect his privacy and mine by not mentioning names just yet.

My other site at will be no more come July. I'm going to resuscitate this blog with a new name, new address, new look, especially now that Blogger will no longer be supporting FTP sites. The name though, is still in flux and may change in coming weeks. 

So here's to change in all its wondrous forms. Pardon me while I hug myself with glee. 

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