Friday, 19 December 2008

Bad, bad, bad...

Before the holidays overwhelm (as it is, I'm already feeling the pressure of NOT having done my Christmas shopping yet!), I did a check on the books read this past year.

P A T H E T I C!

As of today, I've read:
Fiction: 4 (5 when I'm done with Maguire)
Non-Fiction: 4
eBook (iPhone): 1
S&S (aka Started & Stopped): 3.

That's barely a book a month! I'm so ashamed, mad, disappointed... Especially when I remember a not too distant past when I could devour a book in 4 days! But what with work AND freelance, I find myself reading on my trips between places, waiting for anything or anyone, lunch breaks, before bed... I admit that there have been some empty spaces, but after a day of staring at the computer, the last thing I want to do is look at more words again.

But...I'm going to change this. My reading habit that is. I will read more and I will read more often. No pressure - You hear me, self? I miss the whole 'sit down with a book' moment. Those totally indulgent selfish moments when I set aside a few hours for myself, deadlines and 'must-dos' be dammed.

I'd like to get my total up to 24 books in 2009, mere pittance when compared to what some other bibliophiles are consuming. Anyway, that's one of my goals for 2009. Read. And get more freelance copywriting jobs.

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