Saturday, 26 July 2008

On my bookshelf

The Secret Of Lost Things :: Sheridan Hay

A coming of age tale of a young 18 year-old girl who travels from Tasmania to New York City after her mother's death. There she finds work in the Arcade, a huge second-hand book-store filled with odd characters like Pearl a large, black soon-to-be all woman with operatic dreams and Oscar who is incapable of loving anyone. Along the way, she's besotted with a totally undeserving fuckwit (thanks you Bridget Jones!) who uses her to aid his search for a lost Herman Melville manuscript, and has her first sexual encounter with another who's looking for the same.

I liked Rosemary although her naivete and country-mouse wonder at life and love made me want to shake her after a bit. I enjoyed Sheridan Hay's prose and her ability to create idiosyncratic characters. While the Melville manuscript was a secondary plot, it was an clever way to put Rosemary into situations that tested her, and allowed her to grow.

A good effort but I wish it had a slightly faster pacing. Recommended for serious consideration to any TBR pile.

Now reading: Not sure what's next. Maureen Corrigan's book kinda disappointed me. I need a thriller to yank me from the depths of book purgatory. Suggestions welcome!

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